AML Spotlight: Mild Education: Uncovery


Today in the Spotlight… Mild Education: Uncovery.

Part 3: Mr. WenDaisy.

In a world like the one in Mild Education, full of secrets and information tightly controlled, there often exist people who like to uncover this information and for a price return it to the masses. Enter Mr. WenDaisy—an information broker.

Mr. WenDaisy, often curt and matter-of-fact, is very good at what he does and knows it and he charges as such. He has a true love for information and because of this no job is too big or too small—as long as the client can pay he’ll the job. Doesn’t matter to him if you’re righteous or evil or whether he likes or loathes you. Which is quite the godsend for LIMIT_R who annoys the piss out of Mr. WenDaisy—especially after last time where LIMIT_R requested to have him find some info that was quite obvious to anyone with a working brain…

O.K., I think that’s all for the world Mild Education. If you liked or didn’t like something from Mild Education: Uncovery let us know either here or preferably by doing a quick and simple Survey. Bye, buh-bye, goodbye!

Mild Education: Uncovery - Survey

Next up: AML Spotlight: daybreak psychosis.
